what we do
Our job as the PTA is to advocate on behalf of our students, and to make their experience and our teachers’ jobs more enjoyable, enriching, and rewarding. We also encourage a sense of community amoung our Fernbank families.
Getting involved with PTA gives parents an opportunity to engage with one another while ensuring that Fernbank is an outstanding school!
Fernbank is the most wonderful school!
This could not be accomplished without parental support and the volunteer contributions of parents just like you!
What does the PTA do for the school?
The PTA works with parents and faculty to organize and facilitate events both during and after school hours that serve to enrich our children's educational experiences and build a stronger community. Some of the programs PTA helps support include: OPEN HOUSE, the Fun Run, engagement programming for our teachers, the Fall Picnic and more!
Why should I serve on the PTA board?
1. Your child feels a sense of pride to know that his/her parent holds an office.
2. You get to meet and work with wonderful people!
3. You stay updated and informed on what is going on at our school.
4. You can more effectively suggest change at our school.
5. Everyone has different strengths and talents. Everyone has something unique to offer our school and our children!
Can I be a member and work full time?
Yes! Many of our members hold a full or part time job.
Do I have to be a mom to serve on the board?
No! We love to have dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles and anyone who cares about Fernbank Elementary and the students who attend here.
Does it take a lot of time?
Yes and no--it depends The time you donate to actively participate in your child's school is time well spent. It shows our children that we care about what they do every day.